National Health Training College – Profile

National Health Training College (NHTC) 

Location:    Maseru 
Head of institution: Director General
Academic year:   Starts in July and ends in May
Number of students enrolled: 385 [2019/20]


National Health Training College (NHTC) is a government tertiary health training institution established by the National Health Training College Order number 2 of 1992 with, among others, the following key objectives as provided by Section 4(1) of the cited Order:

  1. To encourage and provide education in the field of health for present and future members of the health profession and to such other persons as the Board may determine; [and]
  2. To provide facilities for and undertake [relevant] research.” The Order further provides for establishment of various Boards and Committees aimed at provision of progressive scholarship as well as oversight in health education and related study areas.

Programmes Recognised by CHE

  1. Certificate in Nursing Assistant