Paray School of Nursing – Profile

Paray School of Nursing

Location:  Thaba-Tseka
Phone Number: 22900319
Head of institution:  Principal Nurse Educator
Academic year:   Starts in July and ends in June
Number of students enrolled: 139 [2019/20]


Paray School of Nursing is a Roman Catholic Higher Education Institution owned by the Archdiocese of Maseru in Lesotho. This institution of nursing education is found in the district of Thaba-Tseka and is linked to Paray Hospital as the mother hospital. The school was established in 1977 as a sub-component of Paray Mission Hospital.

Paray School of Nursing is a member of Christian Health Association of Lesotho-Nurses Training Institutions (CHAL-NTI). It is also affiliated to the National University of Lesotho (NUL) and supported by the Ministry of Health (MOH) and Ministry of Finance (MOF), and National Manpower Development Secretariat (NMDS).