Founding Chief Executive of CHE Retires

Mrs ‘Makotelo Teboho Motseko has been one of the tallest trees within the higher education sub-sector, towering above the rest. She was the first and only employee of the Council on Higher Education on 4th January 2010 in a small office at the Education Facilities Unit compound. She started this organization from very humble beginnings to its current state. It has grown to be a reputable higher education regulatory body in Lesotho and in the SADC region.


Mrs Motseko leaves a legacy of high performance culture, team work, integrity and sound management. Under her leadership CHE has had six unqualified financial audits in six years in a row.  Quality assurance system for Higher Education Institutions is fully established with many programmes having been reviewed and accredited. She leaves her foot steps on the sands of time with the Lesotho Qualifications Framework approved and disseminated to all key stakeholders as an important national policy document.


We bid her farewell, and wish her the very best in her future endeavours. The CHE family is very proud to have had her as its leader and matriarch.  

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